Via Milano, 298
20021 Baranzate [MY]
(By appointment only)


Viale Certosa, 1
20149 Milano [MY]

347 3609300

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Given by Donato Cannatello, as an independent Data Controller of Personal Data, inform his person, as an interested party, that:
the required personal data (common data) that are entered and stored on this website are finalized here on this website:
• managing the evaluation for the establishment of a future sales relationship as a customer;
• management of the assessment for the establishment of a future supply relationship as a Supplier;
these data are processed by our staff in charge (appointed to process personal data by Given di Donato Cannatello) and stored electronically on a dedicated web server, subsequently printed and archived in paper format; these data are processed exclusively for the stated purpose; no other area of ​​communication and dissemination is permitted.
In relation to the aforementioned treatments, the rights referred to in art. 15, 16, 17, 18 e 19 del GDPR UE n. 679/16 (Access rights, Rectification, Cancellation, Limitation of processing and notification in cases of rectification / cancellation / limitation by the data controller). Requests for the exercise of rights must be sent to Given di Donato Cannatello at the company address.
For complete information on the privacy policies of this site, access the privacy disclaimer from the link on the home page "Privacy Policy".
The declaration of careful reading of this information and the granting of the relative consent to the processing of personal data through this site takes place by ticking the relevant "Information and consent to treatment" box and clicking on the send button which is enabled when the check is made.